Welcome to the collaborative workspace dedicated to the S8 BIOengineering track !
The one-semester bioengineering training program of École Centrale de Marseille aims at broadening students’ horizon by interdisciplinary teachings in order to be able to approach “life” all its main aspects.
The courses will be given in English. This track is shared with international Centrale Marseille's students from MscT Complex Systems Engineering - BioEngineering track.
A complete description of this track can be downloaded here in French or in English.
Contrarily, all courses materials and documents specific to each Teaching Unit (UE) are available in the four collaborative spaces sections dedicated to the four Teaching Units of the S8 BioEngineering track
Personnalizing your S8BIO track is possible within UE4, provided you prepare for such personnalization well ahead, during you S7 semester (at latest). Please refer to section UE4 - PLANET BIO to have an overview of all possibilities offered.
General information regarding the whole S8 BIO track are available in the present section, including the latest version of the Schedule.
(Please help us to ensure the best quality of these S8 BioEngineering collaborative spaces by reporting any mistake or bug you might encounter !)
- Beheerder: Fade Julien
L’objet de cette unité d’enseignement est le matériau biologique dans une vision multi-échelle, en partant de l’échelle nano avec les biomolécules (enseignement de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire dispensé en option de S7 uniquement) jusqu’à l’échelle finale du tissu (Modélisation des tissus) en passant par l’échelle mésoscopique (Matière molle et micro-fluidique).
The object of this teaching unit is the biological material in a multi-scale vision, starting from the nano-scale with biomolecules (teaching of molecular and cellular biology given in option of S7 only) up to the final scale of the tissue (Modeling of tissues) while passing by the mesoscopic scale (Soft matter and micro-fluidic)
- Beheerder: Jaeger Marc
Cet enseignement traite des différents aspects liés à l’imagerie médicale et aux thérapies par ondes. Ainsi, différentes disciplines sont impliquées : mécanique, physique et photonique, traitement du signal et des images.
This course deals with the different aspects of medical imaging and wave therapy. Thus, different disciplines are involved: mechanics, physics and photonics, signal and image processing.
- Beheerder: Fade Julien
- Beheerder: Martinez Alexandre
L’objet de cette unité d’enseignement est l’ouverture au secteur socio-économique en offrant la possibilité aux étudiants d’interagir avec le milieu professionnel. Son positionnement est donc hors des frontières de la formation académique habituelle.
The purpose of this teaching unit is to open up to the socio-economic sector by offering students the opportunity to interact with the professional world. Its positioning is therefore outside the boundaries of the usual academic training.
- Beheerder: Fade Julien